Justice For All Malaysia

Archive for November 15th, 2008

Parlimen seharusnya menjadi tempat berkumpulnya Ahli-Ahli Parlimen yang berbicara dan bersidang sebagai wakil Rakyat jelata – ada yang menyokong mereka dan ada yang tidak – bukan mewakili parti masing-masing.   Dengan itu, kerusi-kerusi harus ditempatkan tanpa adanya sempadan antara barisan pemerintah dan pembangkang.   Ahli-Ahli Parlimen seharusnya duduk di kerusi-kerusi Dewan Rakyat mengikut negeri masing-masing dan berbicara sepanjang waktu untuk kebaikan rakyat sebagai agenda utama, bukan untuk kepentingan parti masing-masing.

Parlimen adalah lambang politik non-partisan yang adil dari segala sudutnya untuk menyempurnakan segala kemaslahatan yang berkaitan dengan keperluan Rakyat.   Ia melewati batas-batas kepartaian, lebih-lebih lagi batas ras dan agama.   itulah sebenarnya gerakan politik massa yang releven dan akan terus relevan sehingga akhir zaman.

Urutan dari pemikiran dan budaya politik sedemikian akan menghasilkan perubahan-perubahan yang kreatif dan innovatif bagi memastikan segala proses membuat keputusan disandarkan kepada maklumat yang tepat, pantas dan menyeluruh dan tiada sezarah diskriminasi terhadap sesiapa dalam penyebaran maklumat itu – pembangkang atau pemerintah.   Tentunya kualiti keputusan-keputusan yang dibuat menjadi yang terbaik.   Malaysia mampu untuk membuat perubahan tanpa bergantung kepada contoh dan nasihat dunia luar – walaupun itu suatu yang dituntut – tetapi apa yang diamalkan orang lain hanyalah diambil sebagai panduan kepada Malaysia.   Tentunya para Ahli Parlimen Malaysia dan seluruh kakitangan Parlimen dan mereka yang terlibat mampu memikirkan apa yang terbaik supaya Parlimen Malaysia menjadi contoh Parlimen yang terbaik.

“If there is a political will, there is surely a way”.

State rep leads 12,000 into PKR
Tony Thien | Nov 15, 08 8:40pm

About 12,000 people in Sarawak, including 6,000 supporters of Ngemah state rep Gabriel Adit, have applied to join PKR.


Their application forms were submitted to PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim at a huge dinner gathering in Sibu tonight which saw more than 4,000 people in attendance.

gabriel adit and keadilan pkrAlso signing up with the opposition party is controversial former PRS Balleh division publicity chief Beginda Minda. He was forced to leave the state BN component party following his call on the chief minister and his deputy to step down.

Adit, 58, claimed that he had submitted the application forms for PKR membership from 6,000 of his supporters tonight. The other 6,000 new applications were believed to be from former PRS members and non party members.

In his speech, Adit, a four-term assemblyperson, told the crowd that the main reason for joining PKR was due to the “political castration” of the Dayaks under the BN state government.

He added that PKR was the best vehicle to address the plight of the Dayaks.

Adit also declared that Anwar was the most suitable and acceptable leader to become prime minister.

anwar visit sibu 151108 crowd“Enough is enough of BN. Now change is coming to Sarawak,” he said, adding that there are many BN members waiting to join PKR.

With Adit’s entry, PKR now has two seats in the Sarawak state assembly. The other is Dominique Ng representing Padungan.

Adit first won the Ngemeh seat on the now-defunct Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak ticket in 1991 but in the 2006 state elections, he stood as an independent.

His entry is seen as a major boost for PKR which is gearing up for the next state polls, due in 30 months.

Ready for state polls

The party is banking on the support from the Dayak communities who are increasingly disgruntled with the state government’s management of native customary rights land issues.

The dinner at the Sibu Trade and Exhibition Centre was organised by ‘Friends of PKR’ with Adit chairing the organising committee. The gathering is believed to be one of the largest political dinners ever held in Sibu.

anwar visit sibu 151108Present at the gathering were Ng, national PKR leaders Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, Tian Chua and Sallehuddin Hashim, state DAP leaders Wong Ho Leng and Chiew Chin Sing.

Earlier, Anwar was given a big welcome at Sibu airport upon his arrival at this central Sarawak town.

He was said to be visibly moved by the huge crowd who turned up to welcome him.

Bolstered by such support, the opposition leader has indicated to his people that he would be visiting Sarawak more often.

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